Month: July 2009

  • Talking

    After our grandson’s burns last fall, he simply quit trying to talk.  He was already delayed because he was born with his tongue tied.  It was one of those things that grandmothers notice, and nurses don’t.  They thought it was not a big deal and could be clipped later.  What a mistake!  He was almost one year old before it was clipped and he could finally move his tongue past his teeth. So he was late learning many sounds.

    He was working on it though and had a few words he used when he got burned.  Afterwards he had none.  He simply quit.  Oh, he babbled, but nothing that we could understand.  Rather than keep him in a place of frustration, we began teaching him sign language. Being a very physical guy, he loved talking with his hands. He has developed a good vocabulary in signing and still babbles.  He also learned a few words: no (What two year old doesn’t get the power of that syllable?) wow, whoa, mama. That’s been about it, except his mom decided to teach him phonic sounds since he wasn’t using words.  He loves the letter A.  He can find capital A anywhere and says it with great affection!

    This week, at  two and a half, he learned his first multi-syllable word: HAPPY!  He loves the sound and always smiles.  What a perfect beginning!  I am sure more will come.